Wednesday 26th June 2024


The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety is accepting nominations for individuals, organizations and events to be recognized for their efforts in making Missouri’s roadways safer, moving the Show-Me State toward zero fatalities. Winners will be recognized at the 2024 Missouri Show-Me Zero Conference in Columbia at the end of September.

There are four statewide awards and one award for each of the seven coalition regions.

The statewide awards include:
-The Buckle Up Phone Down Champion Award recognizes an individual or group who has shown exemplary leadership and dedication to the Buckle Up Phone Down initiative.
-The HOPE (Highway Opportunities through Professional Engineering) Award recognizes an engineer(s)/team who has incorporated a unique or proven safety feature in a highway project.
-The Lay Down the Law Award recognizes a law enforcement officer or enforcement-oriented group who has substantially advanced highway safety in Missouri through innovative traffic safety efforts.
-The Tempe Humphrey Award recognizes an individual or group who has focused efforts on our younger drivers.

The regional award recognizes an individual or group from each coalition region who has shown exemplary leadership in endeavors that significantly improve highway safety.

Highway Safety Award nominations are due by July 28, 2024. Five individuals with an interest in transportation safety have been selected throughout Missouri to judge the regional and statewide awards. Award winners and their nominators will be notified in August. To submit a nomination for awards, click here.