Thursday 19th September 2024


The Lexington City Council voted to terminate Police Chief Troy Sims following a lengthy public hearing on Wednesday, September 18.

City Attorney Todd Smith outlined the nine charges against Sims, which he said included various acts of insubordination and a disregard for public safety. Some of the other charges Smith mentioned involved Sims pursuing a shooting range without council permission and allowing the spouses of officers to ride together in patrol vehicles while on-duty.

Sims’ attorney, Doug Carter, says none of the charges meet the requirements necessary in the state statute to allow the council to terminate Sims.

During the hearing, several individuals were called upon to give witness testimonies and asked questions by both Smith and Carter. These witnesses included Sims, City Administrator Shawna Funderburk, Mayor Pro-Tem John Harden, former City Administrator Mark O’Dell, and Captain Fred Alkire of the Lexington Police Department.

Following closing statements, the council voted to terminate Sims with a 7-1 vote, with Councilman Mike Kramer voting against the termination. With the council’s decision, interim Police Chief Josh Coen assumes the role.